Family Ministry
Family ministries are here to connect kids, youth, and parents in meaningful relationships with each other and Jesus. Join us on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights!
Have a question? Let us know!

Young Adults
Shoreline Young Adults strives to create a community that supports and empowers young adults to grow in their faith, develop authentic relationships, and make a positive impact in the world around us. Get involved, join the group, and we'll see you at one of our upcoming Friday night events!
Have a question? Contact James for more information OR text “Info” to (833) 236-2166!

Sisterhood is a movement of everyday girls, connected heart & soul, who are passionate about bringing Heaven to earth. We gather on Wednesday nights (with the exception of first Wednesdays, summer break & winter break)!
Have a question? Contact Karin for more details.

Men of all ages gather to Discover, Develop, and Deepen their understanding about God, His word, and plan for our lives so that we become all that God has created us to be. Groups meet on Wednesday nights!
Have a question? Contact David for more information!

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery exists to provide a loving and safe environment for men and women to gain insight and understanding from God’s word to with the hurts, habits, and hang-ups that undermine the ability to live in freedom. Join us on Thursday nights for large group and open share at 7pm.
Have a question? Contact Jennifer for more details!

Looking for a
Life Group?
Find life in community.
Life Groups are where people from all walks of life, with all kinds of interests, find life at Shoreline. It’s where we get out of rows and into community because we know life is better together. Head to our groups page to explore and learn more!